Submit abstract, deadline 2022-10-05.
The IBD Nordic Conference invites you to submit abstracts reporting new research or developing information on IBD. We welcome abstracts presenting unpublished studies, case reports, systematic reviews and scientific approaches on methodology and quality improvement. The Scientific Program Committee will select abstracts on the basis of their medical significance, the quality of the data and methodology, and adherence to specific format requirements and other criteria described herein. The selected abstracts will be offered presentations as posters, a few of these will also be selected for oral presentation.
Abstract Length
The titles of abstracts should not exceed 15 words. The body text should not exceed 350 words. Embedded images (tables, figures, etc) will be counted as 30 words.
Required Elements
Each abstract must include the following:
Title – The title should appear in boldface at the top. It should be concise (no more than 130 characters, not including spaces) and unambiguously represent the subject of the abstract.
Authors’ names – These names should appear in below the title. They should be separated by commas, with first names first followed by middle initials and last name only (no titles or degrees). Add affiliations, use superscripts to identify the author and the affiliation (for example: Name A¹, Name B², University X¹, University Y²).
Background – This section briefly presents the hypothesis of the abstract or encapsulates the subject under study.
Methods – This section details the experimental methods and processes employed in the study.
Results – This section describes the precise findings of the study. Promises of results “to be determined” are not acceptable.
Conclusions – This section describes logically sound conclusions and reliable inferences from the results.